Perankh: Rebuilding the House of Life (2023, 327 pages)
Perankh: Rebuilding the House of Life (2023, 327 pages)
Perankh: Rebuilding the House of Life (2023, 327 pages). How do we rebuild our houses of life?
Today, many of our people are immune to Black suffering, instead finding it acceptable to replace work with a prayer. We witness crime against our people daily, and most do nothing, say nothing, give nothing, sacrifice nothing, lift not a hand, share nothing, saying instead that they will pray. For 500 years just praying has gotten us nowhere; look at the mess we are in. Faith without works is dead.
Our children will know and see differently. They will know of a time that Blacks were not on their knees groveling to the east or the west, but standing tall, with heart, hands of steel, and souls used as bricks to build universes. They will envision Africa's multimillennial history as one coherent, pulsating, living, continental process, diaspora level in scope, dynamic force of nature, flowing from shore to shore, sea to sea, ocean to ocean, embracing all space and time; they will internalize this vision from a corpus of morally sound, Harriet Tubman-like brave professional intellectuals, scholars, workers, youth, women, men, fighters on the front-line, winners, founded on the guiding principles of the best of our ancestors internalized by the best of our elder’ councils, elders temples and priests from century after century---from the scribes of ancient African Kmt, the griots of the African medieval empires, and the academic scholars of the age of capitalist structural adjustment, neo-colonialism, globalism and final solutions.
Keeping alive the tradition of putting knowledge at the service of all members of the community, emancipatory knowledge, material culture, intermediaries affected, a life at the service of a cause: emancipate the continent from the cycles of defeat, of Falling Apart.
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