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Ti2: Destruction of African Civilization (2023, 416 pages)

Ti2: Destruction of African Civilization (2023, 416 pages)

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Ti2: Destruction of African Civilization (2023, 416 pages).  There were specific conditions under which Africa lost its historical initiative and fell into servitude---to such an extent that its sons and daughters dispersed throughout the world, or those who stayed where they were, no longer remember this history and that their civilization had created its own moral tradition (before the invasions).  After the Hittite and Hyksos invaded Northern Africa and were repelled one thousand years earlier, the Assyrians attacked Africans in 661bc; the Persians in 525bc-405bc, and again 343bc-332bc; the Macedonians and the Greeks in 332bc; the Romans in 50bc, and again 30ad-395ad; the Arabs in 640ad. 

North Africa moved from black to brown to white in less than 900 years.  In 661bc, Ashurbanipal conquered Kmt and pillaged the holy city of Waset (Thebes).  The fall of the most venerable city of all antiquity marked the end of the indigenous African Nubian/Ethiopian Dynasty.  Pharaoh Tanutamon escaped to Napata, marking the collapse of Black political autonomy in North Africa as Kmt gradually fell under foreign military domination.  The Persians conquered Kmt in 525bc, led by Cambyses.  Looting was the standard operating procedure in war, then as now; so libraries and temples of books, manuscripts, treasures in gold, silver, secret manuscripts and other valuables were captured as contraband.  Alexander the Great conquered Tyre in 332bc, beginning the Greece occupation of North Africa, and chiefly Kmt at what became Alexandria.  Alexandra in Kmt became the capital of the newly created Greek empire under the rule of Ptolemies.  There are winners and losers at the level of galaxies, microscopic cells and even colossal civilizations.  African civilization lost.

Alongside processes of ascending development as in the case of the Greek, Roman, and Arab invaders, we find degradation and decay of African systems, descents from the higher to the lower, from the more perfect to the less perfect, a regression until a complete collapse in North East Africa.  Invasions, conquests, and occupation spread.  Indigenous Africans were emptied from North African coasts, east and west.  Those who remained were conquered, colonized, converted and/or enslaved.  Carthage fell.  Ghana fell.  Mali fell.  Darfur fell.  Songhey fell.  Timbuktu fell.  Then the holocaust of African enslavement turned the entire African continent into a warren for hunting 100’s of millions of men, women, and children whose skin was black.  Although Africans still control the majestic snow-capped peaks of Mt. Kenya and Mt. Kilimanjaro, and the great rivers of the Niger, the Congo or Zaire, and the Zambezi, the internal cycle of evolution of indigenous societies in Africa was destroyed, similar to the external destruction of the Aztec, and Incas societies in Central and South America. 

Not only were lands and people conquered and colonized, but their ideas and their cultural contributions to science, philosophy, morality and ethics were captured as contraband, then translated and transferred: over 5000 years of summarized systematic practices (scientific theory).  As Europe went from communalism to slavery to feudalism to capitalism to socialism, North African civilization and their indigenous Black ancient civilizations collapsed and regressed.   In 332bc, when the Greeks invaded North Africa, they seized the land, fruits of the population’s labor, a broad encyclopedic knowledge based on 5000 years of summarized (documented) practices, and a highly-preserved scientific/engineering cultural legacy, including libraries, scrolls, books, when there were, of course, no copyright laws.  Greeks did not produce science in Alexandria (their military fort of occupation in North Africa); they translated and transferred it from Alexander in Africa to European Greece and later Rome, Arabia, Western Europe, then Eastern Europe.  Essentially, a transplantation of the thousands of years of accumulated social consciousness, "the social brain" of a dying series of African Kmtic societies took place, spanning the period 656bc-50bc.  Greece collected the "intellectual" loot of North Africa,  Southwest Asia, and India. 

Alexandria became the storage and translation bases of these documents into the Greek language. In 389ad Serapion, Kmt was burned to the ground and its libraries scattered. In the same year, Zeno, Emperor of the East, closed schools at Edessa and its Nestorian teachers fled to India and Asia.  The libraries in the delta region of Kmt, maintained precarious existences until 415ad destructive riots---the last remnants of the African Kmt schools of philosophy and science were swept away and the last great professor of that school, Hypatia (370-415) was killed by mobs.

By the time Rome took over from Greece, the very life had been sucked from African Kmt.  Now labeled “pagan,” African culture was made illegal by an edict of the Emperor Theodosius I in 391ad; holdings of the Great Library (both at the Mouseion and at the Serapeum) were listed as pagan temples and later burned to the ground.  Millions of documents were torched.[7]  Final closure came during the sixth century AD when Justinian issued a second edict which suppressed any remnant of organized Kmtian moral worship and propagated Christianity among the Nubians.  Many fled Kmt to escape persecution, some to the interior of Africa, others to Asia and India.  Kmtic influences are evident in the works of Buddha in India, Zoroaster (Zarathustra) in Iran, Lao-tze, Confucius and Fuhi in China, Upanishads in India, Deutero-Isaiah in Exilic Israel, Xaha in Japan, etc.

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